Follow him myself and yesterday he was literally taking the pictures being tweeted by LFC and 30 seconds later, put them up on his own account. If you were not following LFC on Twitter, you would think he was at the training ground taking them himself. I haven't a clue if he has info or not, don't get the whole buzz of putting out the team or getting the news out their first that LFC are interested in some random player.
I agree with you, its a bit silly when you see a player signing all of them pating each other on the back as to who mentioned it first, i find it baffling. There was a spell last season when the team was on twitter 24hrs before game even the management were'nt happy with it so its quickly stopped
I stil have no idea who he is and don't want to. But I'd wager that he's written thousands of tweets. With that volume of tweets you're bound to be right some of the time. A stopped clock is right twice a day, remember. I'd be willing to bet my balls that NOBODY outside of the club is "bang on" with their info. Even Phil Thompson last year got it all wrong on Alexis Sanchez, even after he'd been told by someone at the club that Sanchez was a "Done Deal". Gary Mc has just given a perfect example of where some of Jay's info is coming from.
While the transfer committee landed Mamadou Sakho, Lazar Markovic, Alberto Moreno and Divock Origi. *Tony Barrett* Clyne, Dejan Lovren, James Milner, Adam Lallana and Christian Benteke were Rodgers signings and Rodgers alone. *Tony Barrett* Interesting that none of the commitee signings started the first game at Stoke, while all of BR's signings did.
Is it interesting given the transfer committee didn't decide who actually goes on the pitch? Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Nop its interesting that the transfer commitee which BR is happy to work with the players they choose are'nt good enough to play the first game yet all of the players the manager is soley responsible for are. It also shows why Lovren is first choice ahead of Sahko who im sure the majority will agree is better, he's first choice because Lovren is he's choice. Is this another example of the ego which was discussed before ? Is he out to prove he's better at picking player ahead of the commitee ?
Sakho is the only on I would have an issue with from the committee list but didn't his wife give birth and he was given time off?
Well it's only none of the signings that Tony Barrett has included here. What about Coutinho, Mignolet and Gomez. Who is responsible for these guys. If what you have included is the full list then I would wonder why Barrett published a list which is missing a lot of players unless he is trying to paint a picture to fit some other narrative. Could be that the others were players both committee and Rodgers were interested in. Allen, Borini and Balotelli would be another three that spring immediately to mind.
BR is a member of the transfer committee & in addition, has previously indicated that he has the final say on player signings. As such, no player could have been signed by the committee, with BR consenting, if we are to believe what we were told. Bottom line, neither BR or the Committee have proven very good at signing players (to date).
The fact that x player is being said to be BR's signing and y player is being said to be transfer commitee's signing proves imo that BR does'nt have the final say. It looks like players were forced upon manager he did'nt want and was told fit them in as you would'nt be getting another player for that position, so the commitee is merely a commitee by name no more. True as you say neither have proved good at signing players but if we fail in top 4 this season the commitee will still be around and the manager will be gone.
If you believe what you read (Which I Usually don't), the following players were players picked by the commitee in the last few years Sakho (not played this season) Origi (not played this season) Moreno (Played about 15 Minutes this season) Balotelli (on loan with a lot of bad press for player) Markovic (on loan) Manquillo (Gone) Can seems to be one player Rogers seems to have taken to that is believed to have been a 'commitee signing'. Supposed Rogers Signings Lovren (Started first three) Lallana (Started first two until injured) Lambert (Left under good terms) that's not bringing into consideration that this summer's signings are meant to be the choice of the manager. 18 year old rookie starting ahead of 16 million defender (Right decision at the moment). Alberto and Aspas seem like commitee type money ball signings as well. I am sure it will all come out some day.
Coutinho and sturridge aswell. It looks like Brendan is signing off on players he's not fully convinced about. if they impress while here they'll play. If not there shipped out pretty sharpish. Sent from my G7-L01 using Tapatalk
So yesterday on a sky programme BR said some interesting stuff about the transfer committee . He said he DID NOT have the final say. He also said if he wanted to sign a player for watever reason it couldn't happen you had to pick a player from the list drawn up. He also mentioned how we were very close to sign in deli alli but the clubs couldn't agree. So looking forward a few questions id like to pose . Will klopp have the final say ? Will klopp work with the committee under its current structure? How long will this committee continue before they realise it's been a failure ? Will it need another 200 odd million to make it a success ?
That was some confirmation of my long held belief that the transfer committee at Liverpool was dysfunctional and was not equipping the manager with the tools required to do the job. Rodgers biggest problem was that he was lucky to have the job in the first place so was probably unwilling to rock the boat enough to get exactly what he needed to do the job which was required of him. I can only hope that Klopp will be more forceful but I'm not sure especially when I see him having to make a defensive statement about "his" first singing at the club. For me Rodgers biggest problem in his time at the club was the players which were lost and the players that were signed to replace them and it now appears that he had very little control over either.
Lads, I'm going to take anything that comes from BR with a pinch of salt...he's doing whatever he can to try and put himself in the best light, backtracking a bit on who had the final say on players etc. Bottom line is it was a failure and all present had a hand in it. Moving forward, the concept of a Transfer Committee might be a good one, although if so then we clearly have the wrong people on ours. We also have to ask about the remit and specific restrictions which might be placed on the Transfer Committee by the owners (all fine saying let them pick the best players, but under what criteria, are there limits on cost, age etc. ?). Personally, I would rather see the Transfer Committee scrapped and Klopp along with his team given a free hand (obviously within agreed parameters with the owners as I know you can't just give them a blank cheque book). If a Director of Football is also required then so be it, but let it be a good one who is brought in with a proven track record and also ideally, someone Klopp has a relationship with. In truth, we need to see what the outcome of both this current transfer window and the one in the summer is, before we can pass judgement on how things will be going forward. However, like Ed, I have a concern about the initial signings and Klopps apparent hand in them.
The worry for me isn't the fact that he has a list of players to choose from but that he didn't seem to have a say in who is on the list in the first place. How we ended up with a list that included Bony, Ballotelli and eto as replacement s for Suarez I'll never know. Surely the idea should be to source similar players to suit your system. That summers transfer window is a mystery to me. We sign 2 wide forward s in Lallana and Markovich for £45m when we almost won the league with a system that doesn't use them.
My own view is the manager should be in sole charge of signing players. If the committee stays I think we will ultimately fail.
Rodgers signed Allen and Borini, they are undoubtedly his players. That is proof when the manager wants a player he can have him once he can make his case, the same goes for the opposite, if he doesn't want a player it won't be forced on him. I can't see any scenario where Klopp allows a player through the doors that he doesn't want, equally I can't see a scenario where the owners invest so much in the manager and then don't let him have serious input. Ideally I'd like what you want but the current set up will work fine if they everyone is clear about what they want.