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Republic of Ireland Team Talk/News/Rumours

Discussion in 'International Football' started by Dub13, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. babbsnads

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    Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2010
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    I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn’t ask any of the managers they approached to work for free, and that they have a budget for a manager. So you shop in the market that your budget allows and get the job filled in a timely fashion.

    But their ineptitude might work in my favour when we do eventually hand it over to the IRFU,because by the time they got that sorted,I'd be retired and won't have to deal with the Rugby goys who'd jump on the bandwagon. Rugby internationals and Leinster matches is bad enough, I think I'd jack the job in if that became football internationals too.
  2. GaryMc

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    Super Moderator

    Jul 2, 2007
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    It’s a very tough organisation to turn around. I am not only talking about men’s team, it’s general incompetence you yet a feel for. I get most of my info about what is going on through Second Captains podcast and through the various pieces they have, interviews with journalists and also press conferences they attend, despite the many management changes, it still seems to operate in this cloak and dagger environment like it’s the KGB. For instance, they had no Men’s Team sponsor for years, they eventually get a deal across the line and drop it in a press conference without much of a fanfare. Thats opportunity for a big win but seemed to be handled very badly,
    It could be that despite the changes in management of the overall the organisation, those behind the scenes pulling the various strings are still there and until they are gone.

    Delaney was a bad egg for sure, but the culture was around a long time before him. He saw an opportunity to exploit it even more.

    It’s actually quite lucky that the government pump a few quid into the organisation, could you imagine the craic if there was no government oversight.

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    Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    We all partied, the fact that Delaney has got away Scot free speaks volumes about this country.

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