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Sad news from Brazil & S. Africa

Discussion in 'Football Chat' started by Dub13, Nov 26, 2007.

  1. Dub13

    Dub13 Administrator Staff Member


  2. sean

    sean Well-Known Member

    Two terrible tragedies. I would be hoping that FIFA would take some serious notice of this and sort something out so these incidents are kept well away from the next two world cups.

  3. poorscousertommy

    poorscousertommy Well-Known Member

    Although the Fifa president Sepp Blatter dismissed any direct link to the draw for the tournament – the first big test for South Africa in the countdown to 2010 – news that Pieter Burgstaller had been murdered sparked fresh concerns over the country's deadly crime rate.

    Typical Blatter, Nothing to do with us, profits before people as always
  4. WexRed

    WexRed Super Moderator

    Wait until you hear reports coming back from Moscow when they have the CL final. It'll make Athens seem like a well organised event such is the corruption over there :eek:

    Fans are just there to finance FIFA, who are there to make money and pretend to care about the game.....and the fans. End of.
  5. StevieGisMyIdol

    StevieGisMyIdol Well-Known Member

    Thats really bad news and i seen the stadium on sky news there today and the hole wasnt too big but obviously big enough for people to fall through...
    Its mad the way fans in the stadium only found out about this when the match was over.
  6. Kopite

    Kopite Well-Known Member

    desperate stuff all round and me worrying about Rafa

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