They raised this on Sky Sports News earlier.... What I don't see the logic in, is an earlier deadline for buying in players, but the same later deadline for being able to sell players (abroad). For me, it puts the PL clubs in a vulnerable position, of some of the European clubs come calling... they could quickly lose a good player and be unable to replace him.
Would have to be both at the same time, unworkable if it wasn't. I think this is a great idea to be honest.
I would love a 1 month transfer window of July only. Cant stand the transfer window gossip daily, but sometimes you get taken hook line and sinker into nonsense
I fear we may be screwed anyway mate ... possibly even more so, if we lose our No. 10 I take it you mean the idea of both closing at the same time and not the proposal in it's current format ? ... for this to be done right, it would need all European clubs to agree on a cut off date for buying and selling. That's a big ask imho.
It would be a lot harder to end it in July if it is a world cup year or Euros year. How would medicals get done if a player is away? I would like to see it closed before the season starts though.
Good point about the Euros (and World Cup) ... so every second year, they might need a later / earlier cut off date. As an alternative, more deals might get done during the winter transfer window during the Euro / World Cup years, although I'm not sure that's proven to be the case historically. In truth, scouts are working all year round and clubs are capable of doing the numbers all year round, so why there is any need for any sort of substantial window I just don't know. A short window would make things far more efficient with clubs having less time to flap about, they'd have to get their business done promptly and that may prove a much better situation for everyone (well, maybe except the journos )
Man Utd have said they'll be voting against it. Be interesting to hear what other elite teams in England vote for.
Out of interest, did they specify why they are against it ? ... be curious to see if it's the issue with European clubs still being able to buy their players and then not be able to replace them, or something different. Am I right in thinking decisions in the PL need 14/20 clubs to support before a change can be made ?
I dunno mate..... For a start, the odds are that Everton will do what Utd do, then there's another couple of clubs on their coattails. But more importantly, is there a case for supporting this when the European clubs are going to be at an advantage if it's voted in ? .. if so, sorry but I don't see it and think it's a clear disadvantage for the UK clubs if voted in.