It's been a while since we had a polll. A lot of debate on whether Jurgen will add to the squad in January. If you could buy in only one position, which one would it be.
We badly need a hard box to box MF player if there was a first priority for Jan their is too many softys in that area, we have too many fancy dans with no bite, we get a good gerrard type of MF general we can then build on the rest. After that in the summer new Goalkeeper, CB and top class striker. Not much really
I voted for a goalie but also think need an out and out yard dog in the defence. skrtel looks like a hard man but is a pussy and when up against a tough physical striker he shits himself
haha lol a decent way of putting it. I was talking to a mate last night about him. A shaven head and a tattoo don't make you hard/physical
Went for central midfielder. Someone with a bit of creativity please. To be fair we need all of the above really.
Hi, I voted for a CM - if we got a top class CM with genuine leadership qualities, his own ability would obviously help but in addition, his leadership might help us grab games by the scruff of the neck when needed. Obviously, I'm thinking about a potential new captain here.... Just thinking, why not got for a CM and play him in a few other positions, such as keeper, left back, midfielder etc. after all, players are all versatile these days aren't they ? .... okay, maybe we've tried that one before and found it's a bullsh1t notion that only works once in a blue moon. Top quality CM with proven leadership ability so, if we can only have one player for Christmas please Santa (but we'll be expecting you back with a bag more quality players come the summer please mate)