Transfers these days are becoming like a soap opera. We hate players that gave us many a great day because they left. I'm thinking about Owen, Mascherano, Torres and possibly Couthino if this goes through. Its all a sham really, a club of our wealth will never let a player we want to keep leave without a massive fight. We don't bat an eyelid when Keita smashes a team mate in training or Lovren or VVD aren't mentally right to train. Its all part of parcel of modern football, if Couthino wants to leave he has no choice other than to be the pantomime villain. These little whispers from family members are the agent doing what he needs to do for his player, I don't think for one second that Couthino is privy to every stunt his agent plays and at the same time I don't think he or any of the lads mentioned earlier deliberately want to disrespect the club. If Couthino leaves we have no one blame but ourselves, we own him and don't have to sell him. Hopefully when he comes back we need to accept that this is the way its is and no harm was meant.
That is true but it followed a definitive statement from the owners. If it wasn't today it was 2 days before the champions league etc, its non stop from here on in.
I myself actually don't think much has changed in the last 20 years when it comes to transfers and how they are conducted. There was always tapping up, transfer requests and nonsense speculation. Big clubs always bullied teams with less money. The modern media though blows it all out of proportion. 20 years ago the Coutinho situation would have occurred and you would have read about it the next day in the red tops. Probably would be raging however would move onto the next story and would be a bit of chat down the pub or with mates. Now though every single whisper and event is played out minute by minute on the Twitter. Media outlets now always release the next days football news before 10.30 so they can claim the exclusive. Hard to know where it will end. Heard the term football fatigue a lot over last few weeks. I myself could have done with another few weeks off even though there was no major championships. Seems like yesterday was at Boro game and it's back tomorrow.
The summer and transfer speculation is tiring. When we see a football match tomorrow it will hopefully put perspective on it all.
We are in a mad situation where very few clubs have to sell a player anymore, the norm was the middle and lower tier teams sell their best players to the top teams then they reinvest. We've offered Southampton 60 odd million of whatever it is and they don't bat an eye lid. They don't need the money, neither do Leipzig. I think We'll eventually end up in a situation where players will only sign short term contracts 2/3 year deal with player options and they'll bounce around club to club for free earning even more money than they are getting now.
Wenger has been alluding this all summer. There is that much money floating around, losing players on a free is not as big a deal as it once was. If they had kept the likes of Clichy and Sagna for another year and let them go for free, they maybe could have won the league in that extra year.
All the more important to sort out your academy and bring players through, this is where I think we should invest most. Look at Barcelona most successful period Messi, Xavi & Iniesta coming through at the same time. For the Mancs you have the assembly of the Busby babes and the Giggs, Neville, Butt and Beckham breakthrough as their most successful period. Each of these leading to dominance for a period by supporting them properly.
I think we'll see more players doing what Sanchez is doing at Arsenal. Shorter deals (3 years) will start becoming the norm and players will look to get the transfer fees instead of the club (or push a move at the end of year two to the club they want).
Hopefully that works as copied it from the bleacher report app
I can't imagine they get paid by the club for anything to do with the renewal but typically I would expect they take a % margin on the players contract but it would be paid by the player to the agent.
Depends how good the agent is but it's very common for the club to pick up the tab for agents fees,even with a renewal.
We have Moreno walking on a free At present Milner Matip Lallana and Clyne all in their last year of their contracts Seems we’re happy to let players get into these situations than off load with 2 years to go or sign longer contracts . Suppose each situation different
Matip "In football nothing is impossible. At the moment I still have two years remaining in my contract here at Liverpool.